Tag Archives: shakespeare

Just a quick update re exams

The questions I needed came up, answered one about olfactory perception and began it with a quote from Romeo and Juliet, ‘That which we call a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet’. And it’s always a good sign if you can quote the Bard in a science exam. The other question was about optic ataxi and the structure of the motor system. Was okay. Not sure if I was able to answer them at a MSc level. I feel like I was only about as impressive as a first year but at least I got something down. I only need 50% to pass this exam and if I get the bare minimum of 50 I’ll still have a 2:1 for this unit overall. Lovely.

I’m off to revise Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, and EEG and Magnetoencephalography ready for tomorrows morning exam on methods. Might have a nap first though.

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Filed under Exams, Sciencey