Tag Archives: funny

OpEn YoUr EaRs aNd LiStEn! ComSci on the Radio!

My favourite source of information is the Radio. I can’t get enough of listening. And my newly named and invented genre what i just did make up this second ‘ComSci’ is my favouritist of things. Science meets comedy. I’m sure there’s a better merging of names to be found but it’s going to be Comsci for now. 🙂

I’d like to spend a few mins just recommending some brilliant, funny, and often very informative shows (by that I mean you may not learn facts and figures, but they will make you think!)

1) *New* The Infinite Monkey Cage. Why listen? Well ROBIN INCE! and sexy sexy science man Prof Brian Cox are the hosts, for one. And for another, they get some fantastic guest on board to discuss some mind bogglingly good shit each week 🙂

2) Genuis wacky creativity of the public, combined with the optimistic cynicism of Dave Gorman = Glorious.

3) Museum of Curiosity a brilliant show, with the sweet Jon Richardson taking over from Sean Lock, who replaced Bill Bailey as museum curator. Wonderfully interesting guests with genuine sincerity about thier donations to the museum. I always learn at least one new thing a week from this program. Best episode ever was one with Sir Terry Pratchet.

4) Science in Action – from BBC world service. Useful and playful look at the study mentioned in the Blind to Change blog post earlier.

Just type Science into Iplayer. Or browse around a bit you’ll find stuff. Some television programmes can be great too for this sort of thing, but have a tendency to be patronising, particularly if the involve richard hammond. I never find that with the radio shows.

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Filed under Sciencey, television